Sunday, May 13, 2012

this week will be miserable (for me that is)

hey guys, it's almost the end of the school year for me and you know what that means! Yep, you guessed it! We have the finals! in case you don't know, finals is just a big packet of work given to you to do in school so they can see how bad you suck, though its not like any of you guys care, but however, it will take some of my time off from doing all this cleaning and typesetting stuff for the week. Why a week? because each day of that week (this week), they'll give me one gigantic packet to work on. Of course, the packets will be a different subject each day (math, science, history, etc.) also when i do have some free time, it will be spent on studying. Why you must ask? because i don't want to fail and drop out and live on the streets. Dont worry, summer break is just around the corner so i'll have plenty of time by then :)


  1. The week is already over. So, How was it?

    1. It was pretty easy except history. Pretty sure i failed it tho...

    2. Oh, history, that brings back memory.
      BTW, have you got the result yet?
      I hope you passed all of them.

    3. well, they kinda never gave me back my test scores for history and language arts... and they never said i failed either or go to summer school so... i'm pretty sure i passed :)

    4. I see, then good luck.
      BTW it's summer, so do you plan on going anywhere for a vacation?

    5. I didn't had any at first but my grandparents wanted to see me so i guess i'll be going to canada for a month.

  2. eh, it sounds interesting. Canada is a nice country. Mind telling me more about it when you get back?

  3. I've just got chapter 12, you can check my sign in mangafox.

    1. Awesome job dude! and its in hd as well :D

    2. well, the quality may looks better, but I guess it's not HD yet, there are still some white lines between the "double" pages. I guess we will have to wait for Chinese version to get HD.
      BTW, new chapter will be released at the end of this month. I hope it won't be long to get the next RAW.
